5 EASY FACTS ABOUT �?機能 電子 レン�?フラット テーブル DESCRIBED

5 Easy Facts About �?機能 電子 レン�?フラット テーブル Described

5 Easy Facts About �?機能 電子 レン�?フラット テーブル Described

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Description-ja: myspell 用英国英語辞�?Here is the English_british dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker that is currently used in just LibreOffice and also the mozilla spellchecker. Package: myspell-en-za

Description-ja: utility classes to cope with printing This library is supposed to provide utility classes for working with printing features in KDE apps.



Description-ja: libaugeas0 のデバッグシンボ�?Augeas is actually a configuration enhancing Resource. It parses configuration data files in their indigenous formats and transforms them right into a tree. Configuration modifications are made by manipulating this tree and conserving it back into indigenous config information.

『荷降ろし』と『荷下ろし』の違いの意味を早わかり�?紅麹と米麹の違いとは?違いを解説 『佳き日』と『良き日』の違いの意味を早わかり�?『あっせん手数料』と『仲介手数料』の違いの意味を早わかり�?『荷卸し』と『荷下ろし』の違いの意味を早わかり!


Description-ja: Unicode 用の国際化コンポーネント ICU is usually a C++ and C library that provides strong and full-featured Unicode and locale aid. This bundle has debugging symbols to the libraries. Deal: libid3tag0

This bundle largely manages the clamav system account. It really is not really helpful without the clamav offer. In addition, it handles the configuration for equally the clamav-daemon along with the clamav-milter packages. Package: clamav-daemon


Description-ja: ブロードキャストリレーデーモ�?The bcrelay daemon relays broadcasts involving two interfaces. It is transported While using the pptpd deal, but can be employed for other needs. Offer: bdfresize



Description-ja: apport �?症候スクリプト Apport intercepts plan crashes, collects debugging details about the crash as well as the running procedure environment, and sends it to bug trackers in a very standardized form. It also offers the user here to report a bug a few package deal, with yet again accumulating as much details about it as you can.

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